M’hako Vayu

warrior of light, puncher of face

Basic Info

Age 25 (start of ARR)
Birthday 14th sun of the 5th umbral moon
Gender female, she/her
Height 5’
Sexuality bisexual
Class monk
Likes sparring, foraging, fresh bread, exploring with her chocobo, a good hot meal, aymeric de borel’s voice, how warm coerthan fashion isDislikes being put on a pedestal, losing a fight, people misjudging her strength because of her appearance, strangers touching her ears/tail, how cold coerthan weather is, zenos yae galvusPersonality sisterly, friendly, and a bit competitive. loves to tease her friends and allies. brave, bold, has a tendency to rush into things without thinking them all the way through. she comes off as a bit of a country bumpkin, but does her best to hold herself together when times get more serious. eager to learn, though she’s a bit scatterbrained and is a bit forgetful with new information. pretty affectionate with her close friends. loves a good night of drinking and revelry, especially after a well-fought battle. she gets quite rowdy after a few drinks, and will most likely challenge anyone to an arm wrestling match.
always carries snacks.




have you met somewhere before? probably!
m’hako is always on the move; be it a botany job or just plain ol’ wanderlust you can never find her in one place for too long. however, she does leave her mark! jog her memory and m’hako will surely remember you.


during her travels, m’hako does her best to send letters and gifts of exotic seeds for her family to sow back home. if she has the luxury of time, m’hako will even drop by for a visit.
m’hako runs a small bakery out of her apartment, though her snacking habits often cause a shortage of rolls and apples during the busy hours…
despite her best efforts, m’hako has not been able to survive a single encounter with titan.
m’hako is a twin, and she tells everyone she is the older one. she is not.

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by @IdolRinny on twitter

by @tomomochi_ on twitter